Monday, January 12, 2009

Funniest moment in my life

I believe that everybody's must have their own funniest moment that was happen in their life. I also never get behind from this memories. Let's we catch up with one step closer to my blog what is the baggiest funniest in my life. This memories was happen when I was still in secondary school when i was in form three. One day, I was be in duty for sport prefect in one football friendly match at my school. My duty at that day is helping for all necessary needs for the competitors. At that day, my teacher was asking me for arranged a drinks for the competitors that are in the friendly match. When I was busy arranged a drinks, one boy from my school competitors was come to me. Without opportunity for me to asked that boy what are he want, he was accuse me that i was slowly in my duty. I was feel so aspirated at that time. I know his... his a playboy at my school... so haughty. his was really good player at my school. My school was become a champion at one competition and he was be a top scorer or that competition. Finally, that game was begin in one week was finished.. i think that are no reason for me to meet that playboy again. At recess time, i was always finish my time at my school library. And for the whole day before I going to school my mother always ready me a breakfast. I still not feel hungry. I was going up a step until at second floor... suddenly, had a one person was scolded me because i was blocking his way. I was look upwards and i feel how come i still can meet this boy... without i can protecting my own self that boy was start scold me. I also do know what wrong that i was done until he never stop scolded me. In my place that he was in my upward i was see something... i was see that he was never zip his breeches. now it's my time to return back for me to make his feel shy. He was become strange because i still can give a smile when he was still scolded me. Then i was say " before to get start scolded me please zip your own breeches first, just make your own self shamed only" and i can see that his face was starting become shame. Now i feel that i was very satisfied. From that day, he never scolded me again when we are met, even now we also not become an enemy. He now was become my best friend.. but he still had an attitude as playboy, but not like this before. This are the one of the best funniest moments memories that was happen in my life.

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